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Mirko Berner, Attorney at Law
Born 1965

Education/academic studies
  • 1985 - 1987
    Professional education as a banker
  • 1988 - 1996
    Studied law at the faculty of law of Freie Universität Berlin, passed first state examination, legal clerkship in Berlin, passed second state examination
  • 1995
    Graduated as tax lawyer
  • 1996
    Admitted to the bar at Landgericht Berlin (regional court)
  • 2002
    Admitted to the bar at Kammergericht (Superior Court of Justice)
  • 2007
    Certified as a lawyer specialising in labour law
    Certified as a lawyer specialising in family law
  • 2014
    Certified as a lawer specialising in corporate law

Professional background
  • 1990 - 2004
    In-house lawyer of Bankgesellschaft Berlin AG in the field of capital markets
  • seit 1996
    Freelance lawyer
  • Vertragliches Netting zur Reduzierung von Eigenkapitalkosten
    Die Bank 1996, 753
  • Der neue Rahmenvertrag für Wertpapierdarlehen
    Die Bank 1999, 867
  • Risikomanagement im Kapitalmarktgeschäft: Risiko- und Kostenreduktion durch moderne Vertragsgestaltung
    1. Juristisches Symposium 2000,
    ISBN 3-934665-01-2

Member of the working groups on labour and family law at Deutscher Anwaltsverein (German Bar Association)